Mit Vitamin D und Lebensstiländerung gegen Schwangerschaftsdiabetes
Medical University of Graz (MUG) - Coordinator |
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Principal Investigator: Prof. Gernot Desoye, PhD The research activities of the Medical University of Graz cover a broad spectrum in clinical and pre-clinical fields. The Department of Clinical Laboratory offers state-of-the art central laboratory analyses and is ISO certified. A core research facility provides high-end techniques including serval '-omics'. The MUG is coordinating the pan-European Biobanking and Biological Resources Research Infrastructure project BBMRI. The MUG Biobank, registered in the Inventory of European Biobanks, is specifically designed to support the needs of systems biology approaches to human diseases and public health. The Research Management Unit provides professional support to researchers during contract preparation and negotiation. Experienced professionals take over all project management tasks including correct financial reporting, legal advice in IPR and in technology transfer issues. Currently, MUG is participating in > 20 EU FP6 and FP7 projects including all types of instruments and acts as coordinator in 3 of these. |
Institut de Recerca de l´Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau (IR-HSCSP) |
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Principal Investigator: Dr. Rosa Corcoy, MD, PhD Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau is a prívate foundation created on June 4th 1982 with the aim of promoting basic, clinical, epidemiological and healthcare research pursuing as a final role the improvement of population health. Since December 2003 it is recognized as a Research Institute attached to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau was founded in 1401, being one of the most ancient hospitals in Europe. The Diabetes and Pregnancy Clinic (later evolving to Pregnancy and Endocrinological Diseases Clinic) initiated its activities in 1981, being one of its founders Prof. Alberto de Leiva (member of the IR-HSCSP research team). From the beginning the clinic has aimed at clinical excellence and has undertaken clinically-oriented research; it is one of the most active centres in the field in Spain and has coordinated several national studies in this area. The protocol of universalscreening of gestational diabetes mellitus and the diabetes prepregnancy clinic are running since 1986. |
Cambridge University Hospitals (NHS) |
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Principal Investigator: David Simmons FRACP, FRCP, MD Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is one of the largest and most active hospitals in the UK and includes Addenbrooke's Hospital opened in 1766, and the Rosie Hospital which opened in 1983. The Trust boasts a rich pool of clinical and scientific knowledge and expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and conducts world-class biomedical research. The Trust is a member of Cambridge University Health Partners, one of only five designated Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) in the UK. There are 9 Research Institutes on the Hospital site. The clinical diabetes service, the Wolfson Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic, sits within one of the institutes: The Institute of Metabolic Science (a tri-institutional partnership between the Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust, the University of Cambridge, and the Medical Research Council). The Institute, with its purpose built facilities, was opened in 2008 and consists of the MRC Epidemiology Unit; the University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories (including the MRC Centre for Obesity and Related Metabolic Diseases) and the Clinical Care Centre (which also includes the Weston Centre for Childhood and Adolescent Diabetes and Endocrinology). Research in the Institute ranges from the genetics, physiology and epidemiology of obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance to clinical studies involving insulin pumps (including closed loop development), educational, behavioural and service development interventions and pharmacological trials. The Rosie Hospital is the regional centre of excellence for maternity care with more than 5,000 births each year, 12% of which, from women with a BMI >30kg/m2. The Rosie Hospital links to the main Addenbrooke's Hospital and possesses a designated theatre suite, Fetal Assessment Unit, ultrasound department and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. |
Medical University of Vienna (MUW) |
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Principal Investigator: Prof. Alexandra Kautzky-Willer, MD The Medical University of Vienna and the associated General Hospital of Vienna (AKH) are a centre of excellence for diabetes and pregnancy with intensive interdisciplinary care of patients and continuous scientific cooperation between the various disciplines (endocrinology, obstetrics, perinatology, radiodiagnostics/Foetal MR Group Vienna). It is the referral centre for Vienna and the Eastern part of Austria with 3500- 4000 deliveries/year, a GDM-rate of 20% and about 30% overweight or obese women. All facilities for measurements of insulin sensitivity and secretion are in place as are two 1.5 Tesla MR scanners for diagnostic foetal imaging. Over 200 foetal MR examinations/year are done for clinical purposes. Images and data are stored for research purposes. International courses on foetal MRI are regularly organized. |
Recherche en Santé Lawson S.A. (LAWSON) |
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Principal Investigator: Prof. David Hill, DPhil Recherche en sante Lawson (Lawson) is a Swiss-based SME specializing with its partner company, Prodema AG, in the storage and integration of cohort and population-based research data to better understand the origins, prevention and management of chronic diseases of chronic diseases. Its core strengths are in secure storage and data mining of complex clinical research data registries, particularly those contributed by geographically diverse research teams who need safe, remote access. Lawson has also developed evaluation tools and visualization technologies that facilitate translation of new knowledge to health care professionals in an optimized and readily understandable format. Lawson scientists all hold academic appointments in European or North American Universities and represent multiple disciplines including medicine, applied health sciences, information technology, mathematics and computing. |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.LEUVEN) |
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Principal Investigator: Dr. Roland Devlieger, MD The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the University Hospitals, K.U.Leuven is the largest referral centre for foetal and obstetrical pathology in Belgium. It has a longstanding tradition of research, both in basic science as well as in clinical research related to the problem of gestational diabetes. Under the leadergship of the former head of the department, Professor FA Van Assche, key findings regarding the pathophysiology of gestational diabetes related to the metabolic, placental and transgenerational aspects of the disease have been described. The department has a large and very active ultrasound section offering the newest sonographic clinical and research applications. The head of the Ultrasound section, Prof. Dr. D. Timmerman is a board member of the International society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISUOG). Through intensive collaboration with industrial and scientific partners, his section has gained an important expertise in the field of sonographic embryonic and foetal growth estimations, using newly described technical and statistical assessement methods. Within the department, Prof. Dr. R. Devlieger is active in both Obstetrics as well as Foetal Medicine, therefore integrating both parts of the collaborating sections within the department that are relevant to the project. He has focussed the clinical obstetrical research towards the increasing number of problems related to obesity in pregnant women, including gestational diabetes and related morbidities. |
Copenhagen University Hospital (RegionH, RH) |
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Principal Investigator: Prof. Peter Damm, DMSc Rigshospitalet is part of the Region Hovedstaden and is a tertiary hospital with the highest level of expertise in Denmark. The Centre for Pregnant Women with Diabetes, Department of Obstetrics and Endocrinology is the oldest of its kind in the world. It was founded in 1946 and has been role model for similar centres in the whole world. Thus it has a long tradition for research within the field of diabetes and pregnancy. To day this research has also included studies in obese women. The last 5 years 40 publications within the field diabetes, obesity and pregnancy has been published from the centre. The department of Obstetrics takes care of around 4000 deliveries/pregnancies per year. Every year the Centre takes care of 80 deliveries in women with type 1 diabetes, 35 deliveries in women with type 2 diabetes and 230 deliveries in women with GDM. |
Akademia Medyczna im Karola Marcinkowskiego (PUMS) |
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Principal Investigator: Prof. Ewa Wender-Ozegowska, MD, PhD The Poznan University of Medical Sciences, set up as a Medical Faculty of Poznan University in 1919, is one from the oldest and largest medical universities in Poland. With approximately 1200 academic staff members (basic and clinical sciences), 7.7 thousands students (10% of them attending M.D. programs in English, meeting the U.S.M.L.E. requirements) and 6 teaching hospitals, it belongs to leading Polish medical centres. The Department of Obstetrics and Womens' Diseases is an academic teaching and research unit and a tertiary referral centre for pregnant women with diabetes (both gestational and pregestational), serving a population of ca 4.0 mio. With 60 PGDM deliveries and 450 GDM deliveries (25% of them treated with insulin) a year, this is one of the largest Polish centres providing a multidisciplinary perinatal care for diabetic women. Data concerning diabetic deliveries has been stored regularly since the early 90s, as a database with around 4.5 thousand records up to now. |
BAP Health Outcomes Research S.L. (BAP) |
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Principal Investigator: Dr. Helena Diaz, PhD BAP Health Outcomes Research S.L. is an established Spanish national consultancy specialized in Health Outcomes Research (HOR). It supplies HOR services to the Pharmaceutical Industry and also to Health Administration. With 9 persons from different areas of knowledge: medical doctors, psychologists, economists and computer engineers, research is part of the daily work. BAP Health will provide their knowledge on health economics in order to carry-out a cost-effectiveness analysis of data from the clinical trial. |
Universitá degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD) |
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Principal Investigator : Prof. Annunziata Lapolla, MD UNIPD comprises 13 faculties with about 65,000 students. The Department of Clinical and Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery is an institution that provides clinical and basic research, teaching and clinical care. The Unit of Diabetes and Pregnancy is one section of the Chair of Metabolic Diseases. It is involved in basic and clinical research on several aspects of diabetes as well as in clinical care of diabetic pregnant women. Further academic activities include teaching. |
National University of Ireland (NUI) |
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Principal Investigator: Prof. Fidelma Dunne, MD, PhD The National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway) is one of Ireland's foremost centres of academic excellence. Established in 1846 it has a long established reputation in research and is firmly placed in the top tier of research-intensive Universities in Europe. NUI has been extremely successful in recent years in developing high quality research initiatives and securing record levels of research funding from the Higher Education authority, Science Foundation Ireland, Health Research Board and other national and international sources. Externally funded research now counts for 25% of the total budget of NUI and the university currently manages over 70 EU projects. Since 1999, NUI has won over 91m euro in research funding from Irelands Higher Education Authority programme for research in third level institutions (PRTLI). NUI has been the only university in Ireland to be successful in every cycle of the PRTLI. Many researchers in the School of Medicine are linked to the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science (NCBES) and the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI). The NCBES facility includes a GMP vector and stem cell facility. REMEDI focuses on platform technologies of gene therapy, stem cell research, biomaterials science and biomaterials device technology. These platform technologies are supported by core programmes in systems biology immunology biomedical imaging and developmental biology which underpin translational research programmes in cardiovascular disease, orthopaedics and rheumatology, neuro-ophthalmology, gastrointestinal disease respiratory disease and critical illness. A Clinical Research Facility has recently been funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) for 21m euro. |
Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum (VU) |
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Principal Investigator: Prof. Frank Snoek, PhD The EMGO Institute of the VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (VU) is a research institute which predominantly deals with research in primary care and public health, focusing on chronic diseases and ageing. Within the EMGO-Institute, research is grouped in four programs, and the work for the proposed study will be embedded in the research program 'Diabetes and Overweight'. Within this research program, extensive expertise is present on the development and evaluation of psychological interventions and lifestyle programs for the prevention and treatment of diabetes in general, and on lifestyle programs for pregnant women in particular. An ongoing study is evaluating the effects of an exercise training program for women at risk for GDM. Furthermore, within the EMGO-Institute, expertise on statistical analyses of large intervention trials is present, with specific expertise in multilevel data analyses. |
Odense University Hospital, OUH |
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Principal Investigators: Associate Professor Dorte Møller Jensen, dept. of Endocrinology & Consultant Lise Lotte Andersen, dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics Odense University Hospital is a tertiary hospital and one out of three highly specialised Danish Centres in Diabetes and Pregnancy. During the past 10-15 years the centre has been involved in a number of large clinical studies including a randomised controlled trial about life-style intervention in obese pregnant women. The studies have been performed in close collaboration with the centres in Copenhagen and Aarhus focusing on gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), type 1 diabetes, obesity and gestational weight gain. Furthermore, the centre has scientific and clinical interest in pregnant women with previous gastric surgery. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology takes care of around 4000 deliveries/pregnancies per year. Of these, around 85 are deliveries in women with pre-existing diabetes and 150 are deliveries in women with GDM. Sixteen percent of pregnant women in this area are obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). |